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[] ALERT STATUS: Issue determined to have less impact than originally anticipated
[] Last alert status downgraded; server load is balanced

[] Server load balanced [pooled]


[] AWS US-WEST-1: Processing | Operational [
   Insignificant impact on multiple APIs; Monitoring and reporting response

[] AWS US-WEST-1: Event bridge | Degraded [
   Increasing error rates; Impaired serv
ices; Investigating API experience, devices

[] AWS US-WEST-1: Elevated | No endpoint ETA [
 Confirmed network incident; Pursue all mitigation resolution paths in parallel

[] AWS US-EAST-1Processing | Operational; Analysts report

[] AWS US-EAST-1Event bridge | Degraded; Invoke agents

[] AWS US-EAST-1Elevated | No endpoint ETA; Initiate failsafe counter-measures


[] GOOGLE-GROUP-INTERNATIONAL-110: Third-Party API Subprocessors



nPerf  HTML5Test  TLP 2.0


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